
Koala Plot is an open source Compose Multiplatform based charting and plotting library allowing you to build great looking interactive charts for Android, desktop, iOS, and web using a single API and code base.

Most elements of a plot are Composables and can therefore be easily customized. This includes things like colors, fonts, borders, shapes, user interaction, etc.

Try out the web version of the samples for a quick look at the possibilities when using Koala Plot. Note that this uses the alpha Kotlin wasm Compose web-canvas capability, and you’ll need a browser supporting the wasm garbage collection feature. For more information see

This project is in a pre-release experimental/alpha state. We encourage you to give it a try, make suggestions for improvement, and even contribute! It is expected that the API surface and functionality will change as we gain experience using the library in applications.

Getting Started

Quickly get started with Koala Plot

XY Graphs: 2-D Cartesian Plots

Learn how to create plots with cartesian coordinates

Pie & Donut Charts

Polar/Radar & Spider Plots

Bullet Graphs

Chart Layout & Legends

Layout charts with plots and legends


Customize a theme for default plot characteristics

Contribution Guidelines

How to contribute to Koala Plot

Last modified December 9, 2023: Update for 0.5.0 release. (9695699)