Long Linear Axis Model
constructor(range: LongRange, zoomRangeLimit: Long = ((range.last - range.first) * ZoomRangeLimitDefault).coerceAtLeast(1.0).toLong(), minimumMajorTickIncrement: Long = (
(range.last - range.first) * MinimumMajorTickIncrementDefault
).toLong(), minimumMajorTickSpacing: Dp = 50.dp, minorTickCount: Int = 4, allowZooming: Boolean = true, allowPanning: Boolean = true)
The minimum to maximum values allowed to be represented on this Axis. Zoom and scroll modifications may not exceed this range.
zoom Range Limit
Specifies the minimum allowed range after zooming. Must be greater than 0 and less than or equal to the difference between the start and end of range.
minimum Major Tick Increment
The minimum value between adjacent major ticks. Must be less than or equal to the extent of the range.
minimum Major Tick Spacing
Specifies the minimum physical spacing for major ticks, in Dp units. Must be greater than 0.
minor Tick Count
The number of minor ticks per major tick interval.
allow Zooming
If the axis should allow zooming
allow Panning
If the axis should allow panning.