Polar Plot Series
fun <T> PolarGraphScope<T>.PolarPlotSeries(data: List<PolarPoint<Float, T>>, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, lineStyle: LineStyle? = null, areaStyle: AreaStyle? = null, symbols: @Composable HoverableElementAreaScope.(PolarPoint<Float, T>) -> Unit? = null, animationSpec: AnimationSpec<Float> = KoalaPlotTheme.animationSpec)
Plots a series on a PolarGraph.
Data points to display.
line Style
Styling for line segments that interconnect the data points. Defaults to null for no lines.
area Style
Styling for filling the area created by lines that interconnect the data points. Defaults to null for no fill. If lineStyle is null and areaStyle is not null, the area will be filled without interconnecting lines.
Composable providing for the symbol to draw at each data point. Use null, the default, for no symbols.