
Scope for plot series content placed on a PolarGraph.


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Provides the AngularAxisModel for the plot to scale coordinates.

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Provides the FloatRadialAxisModel for the plot to scale coordinates.


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abstract fun Modifier.hoverableElement(element: @Composable () -> Unit): Modifier
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fun <T> PolarGraphScope<T>.PolarPlotSeries(data: List<PolarPoint<Float, T>>, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, lineStyle: LineStyle? = null, areaStyle: AreaStyle? = null, symbols: @Composable HoverableElementAreaScope.(PolarPoint<Float, T>) -> Unit? = null, animationSpec: AnimationSpec<Float> = KoalaPlotTheme.animationSpec)

Plots a series on a PolarGraph.

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abstract fun polarToCartesian(point: PolarPoint<Float, T>, size: Size): Offset

Transforms the provided point from polar plot axis coordinates to cartesian coordinates for on-screen drawing, provided a size of the drawing area.